Decisions That I Made When I First Started My Web Design Business 3.5 Years Ago Versus Now ✌️

Then Versus Now Graphic - Alyssa Parr, Squarespace Expert and CEO of Luminescent Dreams

Reflecting on how I made decisions when I first started my I started my web design business 3.5 years ago to where I am today reveals quite a profound shift in my approach and mindset. Initially, I embraced every online course, software, and service marketed to me, navigating my business landscape without a clear strategy or direction. However, through trial and error, I've evolved into a more discerning entrepreneur, carefully evaluating how I invest my time, energy, and resources. I've come to realize the importance of staying true to my vision and understanding of my business, brand, and clientele. I've also learned to prioritize meaningful client relationships over superficial metrics, finding fulfillment in delivering quality results rather than chasing fleeting trends. Anchored in confidence and trust in my own intuition, this journey has led me to build an incredibly fulfilling and rewarding career for myself.

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When I first started my business: I said yes to almost every online course, software, and service provider that was marketed to me online— taking big risks and investing in things without a solid strategy, direction, or foundation.

Now: I’m a lot more intentional with what I commit my time, energy, and money to. I’m also way more skeptical of adding outside influences to my business, as I’ve learned that although people mean well, no one completely understands my business, brand, and clientele the way that I do.

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When I first started my business: I said yes to almost every client project and opportunity that came my way. 

Now: I’m much more selective in terms of the website platform that I use (Squarespace only), the budget range that I work with, and the types of deliverables that I do and don’t offer.

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When I first started my business: I used to spend a lot of time working “on” my business— redesigning my website, brand, and client onboarding experience. I also spent a lot of time blogging and posting on social media because it seemed like that’s what everybody else was doing. 

Now: With my business and customer journey dialed-in, I spend most of my weekly hours following up with warm leads and working on billable client projects. Instead of caring about vanity metrics, I measure my success by the satisfaction of my clients and the number of successful projects completed.

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I think the biggest shift of all for me has been to trust my intuition above other perspectives and to quiet the noise around me. I'm still open to tweaking things in my business, of course, but I've found that spending less time on social media looking at what others are doing and saying— and instead, focusing on nurturing my current brand and clientele— has helped me anchor and ground into the incredible career and niche that I've created for myself. ✨

If you’re at the beginning stages of building your business, brand, or online presence, and would like some guidance throughout the process, please reach out and get in touch! I’d love to meet you and support you throughout your journey :)

Alyssa Parr
Squarespace Expert & CEO of Luminescent Dreams

👩‍💻 Hire me to build or edit your website: VIP Days | Custom Web Design | Quick Fix / Question Sessions


Sharing the BIG NEWS x2!! I’m 19 weeks pregnant AND getting married in June! 🤰🏼 👰🏼‍♀️


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